Our Team

Dr. Rajendra T. Nanavare
Dr. Nanavare is a dedicated clinician and researcher for Tuberculosis and other respiratory diseases. He is having several years of experience in Group of TB Hospital, Sewri, Mumbai. He worked as a Honorary Chest Physician, Unit Head & Medical Superintendent in GTB Hospital, Sewri, Mumbai
Presently, he appointed as a “Consultant & Technical Expert” & “Pharmacovigilence” for New Anti-TB Drug: Bedaquiline for 6 centres in India in Apex Body of ICMR-DSMC (Drug Safety Monitoring Committee) through International Union against Tuberculosis & Lung Diseases (June, 2016 to march, 2019). He has been working as a Editorial manager for Indian Journal of Tuberculosis. He contributed for distribution of free medicines, protein supplements, quarterly medical check-ups, N95 respirators, Health Education counselling. For the benefit of the society. He provided infection control training to the employees.