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Dr. Anande is an enthusiastic clinician and adviser for Tuberculosis, Malnutrition, AIDS and Covid-19. He worked as Medical Superintendent at Group of TB Hospital, Sewri, Mumbai. He is known for antioxidant therapy against resistant Tuberculosis & AIDS and other infectious diseases to increase efficacy of the antibiotics and decreasing dosage regimen with duration of the treatment. He worked on BEAT TB project of ICMR, India.
He was associated with the successful completion of BA/BE trials catering to various Regulatory body’s like FDA,EMEA, ANVISA, WHO, MCC,AFFASPS etc.
He served in various capacities in a number of pharmaceutical industries carrying out clinical trials for various drug targets for diseases like Diabetes, Hypertension, Tuberculosis, Hyperlipidemia, Epilepsy, H I V, Immunomodulators, etc conforming to the GCP/GLP norms and ethical guidelines, Bioequivalence and Bioavailability studies. As a clinician he has been associated with emergency respiratory management of post operative patients of Major thoracic surgeries and ward management.